

152 Profiles Found. | View: Cards Table

Pablo Aguilera Del Castillo

PhD Candidate, University of Pennsylvania, Department of Anthropology

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Asli Akkaya

Teaching Associate Professor, Florida International University

Email Website

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Bethany Anderson

PhD Candidate and Natural and Applied Sciences Archivist, University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign

Email Website

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Julie Armin

Assistant Professor, University of Arizona

Email Website

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Matt Artz

Founder, Azimuth Labs & Anthro to UX

Email Website

Research Interests: Biotech, Business Anthropology, Cyborg Anthropology, Design Anthropology, Digital Anthropology, Ethnography of science and technology, Genetics, [...]

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Nandita Badami

Graduate Student, University of California, Irvine

Email Website

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Ritwik Banerji

Assistant Professor, Iowa State University

Email Website

Research Interests: Algorithms, Creativity, Digital Ethnography, Human-machine interaction, Listening, Performance

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Matt Barlow

PhD candidate, University of Adelaide

Email Website

Research Interests: Anthropology of water, Decolonization, Discard Studies, Energy, Environments, Ethnography of science and technology, Feminism, [...]

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Matt Beane

Assistant Professor, UC Santa Barbara


Research Interests: Deviance, Machine intelligence, Robotics, Work

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Samantha Breslin

Associate Professor, University of Copenhagen

Email Website

Research Interests: Computers, Digital Anthropology, Expertise, Feminist STS, Gender, Labor, Subjectivity

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Emily Brooks

AAAS Science & Technology Policy Fellow, National Park Service: Climate Change Response Program/Cultural Resources

Email Website

Research Interests: Climate Change, Disaster, Environments, Government, policy, Risk and Hazard, Science & Technology Studies, [...]

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Evan Brown

Recent Graduate , UCLA


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Jacob Campbell

Environmental Anthropologist, The Field Museum


Research Interests: Energy, Environments, Intersectionality, Urban Design

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Baird Campbell

Postdoctoral Teaching Fellow, Rice University

Email Website

Research Interests: Digital Anthropology, Gender, Gender and sexuality, Intersectionality, Latin America, Media Anthropology, Queer Studies, [...]

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CASTAC-Net Member

Jessica Caporusso

Ph.D. Candidate, York University

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Rebecca Carlson


Research Interests: Algorithms, Bioinformatics, Biology, Ethnography of science and technology, Genetics, global health, Lab Ethnography, [...]

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CASTAC-Net Member

Nick Caverly

Assistant Professor, University of Massachusetts (Amherst, MA)

Research Interests: carcerality, Critical race theory, Feminist STS, Infrastructure, racial capitalism, United States, Urban ethnography

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CASTAC-Net Member

Xan Chacko

Postdoctoral Research Fellow, University of Queensland


Research Interests: Biodiversity, Data, Economization, Gender, Intellectual Property, Postcolonial technoscience

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Rebekah Ciribassi

PhD candidate , Cornell University

Email Website

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Evan Conaway

Graduate Student, University of California, Irvine

Email Website

Research Interests: Digital Anthropology, Infrastructure, Intellectual Property, Materials and Materiality, Memory, Place-making, Video games, [...]

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Ashley Thuthao Keng Dam

Lecturer in Global Health , Maastricht University


Research Interests: Cambodia, Digital Ethnography, Digital Fieldwork, Digital Food, Digital Health, Food, Gastronomy, [...]

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Ana Carolina de Assis Nunes

PhD student, Oregon State University

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CASTAC-Net Member

Giulia De Togni, Ph.D.

Wellcome Trust Postdoctoral Research Fellow, Centre for Biomedicine, Self, and Society | Usher Institute | Edinburgh Medical School (Scotland, U.K.)


Research Interests: AI and robotic technologies in health and social care, Anthropology of disasters and polluted environments, Elderly care and independent living in Japan, Ethnography and qualitative research methods, gender - power and resistance studies, Human rights and humanitarian assistance, Risk theory - neoliberalism - biopolitics, [...]

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Richard Karl Deang

PhD student, University of Virginia


Research Interests: Data science, Epidemiology, HIV/AIDS, Medical anthropology, Public health, Queer Studies, Southeast Asia

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Samuel DiBella

PhD candidate, University of Maryland


Research Interests: Algorithms, Computational culture, Digital Ethnography, Software, surveillance studies

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CASTAC-Net Member

Tania DoCarmo

PhD Candidate, University of California Irvine


Research Interests: Humanitarianism, Law, Migration, Refugees, United Nations

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Caitlyn Dye

Doctoral Candidate, University of Illinois at Chicago


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Bilge Firat

Assistant Professor, The University of Texas at El Paso, Department of Sociology and Anthropology

Email Website

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Adam Fleischmann

PhD candidate, McGill University

Email Website

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Iván Flores

Lecturer, Universidad Iberoamericana Puebla

Email Website

Research Interests: Digital Anthropology, Digital Art, ethnography, Labor, Latin America, Leisure, Mexico, [...]

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CASTAC-Net Member

Andrea Ford

Senior Research Fellow, University of Edinburgh

Email Website

Research Interests: Digital Health, Environments, Gender, hormones, Medical anthropology, Reproduction, toxicity

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CASTAC-Net Member

Taylor Genovese

Assistant Professor of Philosophy, Dutchess Community College

Email Website

Research Interests: Anthropology of Outer Space, Critical Secular Studies, Decolonization, Ethnographic Theory, Experimental Ethnography, Futures, Memory, [...]

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Quinn Georgic

Graduate Student, Rice University

Research Interests: Biodiversity, Conservation, Feminist STS, Multispecies Ethnography, Postcolonial technoscience

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Liliana Gil

Email Website

Research Interests: Feminist STS, Improvisation, Inequality, Innovation, Labor, Latin America, Postcolonial technoscience, [...]

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CASTAC-Net Member

Aaron Gregory

Research Fellow, UC Berkeley

Email Website

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Alex Haagaard

Founding Member, The Disabled List


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Nell Haynes

Faculty Fellow, Colby College

Email Website

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Mennatullah Hendawy

Post doc research Associate, UMass Amherst

Email Website

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Andrew Iliadis

Assistant Professor, Temple University

Email Website

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Rebecca Jablonsky

PhD Candidate, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute


Research Interests: Algorithms, Anthropology of Knowledges, Attention, Computational culture, Computers, Design Anthropology, Digital Anthropology, [...]

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PhD student, University of Pennsylvania

Email Website

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Nirupama Jayaraman

Graduate Student/Teaching Assistant, University of Illinois at Chicago

Research Interests: culture, Digital Anthropology, Gender and sexuality, Infrastructure, Place-making, Political Anthropology, Science & Technology Studies, [...]

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Audrey Joachim


Research Interests: AI, Applied Anthropology, Communications, cultural anthropology, Language

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CASTAC-Net Member

Alix Johnson

Assistant Professor, University of Florida

Email Website

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Kyle Jones

User Experience Architect, Esri


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Yakup Deniz Kahraman

Email Website

Research Interests: Applied Anthropology, cultural anthropology, culture, education, Ethnographic Theory, Ethnography of science and technology, experiential learning, [...]

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CASTAC-Net Member

Spencer Kaplan

PhD Student, Yale University

Email Website

Research Interests: AI, Algorithms, Ethics, Finance, Media Anthropology, Robotics, Science & Technology Studies

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CASTAC-Net Member

Ziya Kaya

PhD candidate, School of Anthropology, University of Arizona


Research Interests: Agriculture, Biotech, Critical Algorithms Studies, Critical Data Studies, Digital Anthropology, Economization, Environmental anthropology, [...]

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Shreeharsh Kelkar

Lecturer, University of California, Berkeley

Email Website

Research Interests: Expertise, Software

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Ali Kenner

Assistant Professor, Department of Politics and Center for Science, Technology, and Society, Drexel University

Email Website

Research Interests: Design Anthropology, Environments, Ethnographic Theory, Information/Data Governance, Materials and Materiality, Science & Technology Studies, Sense

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Soojin Kim

Ph.D. Candidate, Harvard University


Research Interests: Algorithms, Attention, data harm, Digital Ethnography, Gender, Personhood, Remembering and Forgetting, [...]

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Hae-Seo Kim

PhD Candidate, University of California, Irvine


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logan kirkland

ceo/lead scientist , azoth corp

Email Website

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Jordan Kraemer

Adjunct professor, NYU Tandon

Email Website

Research Interests: Design Anthropology, Digital Anthropology, Feminism, Media Anthropology, Transnationalism, Urban ethnography

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Milena Kremakova

Researcher, Martin Luther University of Halle-Wittenberg, Germany

Email Website

Research Interests: Computers, Digital Anthropology, Ethnographic Theory, Materials and Materiality, Mathematics, Neoliberalism, Open Science, [...]

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Amy Kuritzky

PhD student, University of Michigan

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Kevin Laddapong

PhD candidate, Indiana University Bloomington

Email Website

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Patricia G. Lange

Associate Professor, California College of the Arts

Email Website

Research Interests: civic engagement, Digital Anthropology, Media Anthropology, posthumanism, Science & Technology Studies, YouTube

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CASTAC-Net Member

Christoph Lange

Postdoctoral Research assistant, Department of Social and Cultural Anthropology, University of Cologne

Email Website

Research Interests: Ethnographic Theory, Media Anthropology, Multispecies Ethnography, Postcolonial technoscience, Science & Technology Studies

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María Fernanda Lartigue Marín

Email Website

Research Interests: Ethnography of science and technology, Extraction, Feminist STS, Gender, Labor, Latin America, Media Anthropology, [...]

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Rena Lederman

Professor of Anthropology, Princeton University

Email Website

Research Interests: Anthropology of Knowledges, Audit, Disciplinarity, Ethics, Exchange, Expertise, Gender, [...]

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Samuel Lengen

Research Associate, University of Virginia


Research Interests: Algorithms, China, Data, Data science, Digital Anthropology, Entrepreneurship, Gender, [...]

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Zihao Lin

doctoral student, University of Chicago

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Ian Lowrie

Developer Experience Researcher, Intel


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Ian Lowrie

Visiting Assistant Professor, Portland State University

Email Website

Research Interests: Computers, Data, Infrastructure, Neuroscience

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Joyce Lu

MD/PhD student, Rutgers University

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Aleem Mahabir

MPhil Candidate, Graduate Student, Department of Geography and Geology, University of the West Indies, Mona, Jamaica


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Savannah Mandel

PhD Candidate, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University

Email Website

Research Interests: Anthropology of Outer Space, Ethics, Ethnography of science and technology, Futures, Human-machine interaction, Planetary & Deep Space Analogs, Science & Technology Studies, [...]

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Meg Martin

PhD Candidate, University of California, San Francisco


Research Interests: Affect Theory, Algorithms, Classification, Collective Agency, culture, Data, Ethics, [...]

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Ben McMahan

Research, Outreach, and Assessment Specialist, Climate Assessment for the Southwest

Email Website

Research Interests: Disaster, Energy, Environments, Infrastructure, Risk and Hazard, Science & Technology Studies

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Laura Meek

Assistant Professor, Department of Community, Culture, and Global Studies | University of British Columbia, Okanagan | Syilx Okanagan Nation Territory

Email Website

Research Interests: Africa, Black studies, bodily epistemologies, counterfeits, critical public health, cultural anthropology, Decolonization, [...]

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CASTAC-Net Member

Lisa Messeri

professor, Yale University


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Sriram Mohan

PhD student, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor

Email Website

Research Interests: governmentality, Infrastructure, Media Anthropology, Science & Technology Studies, Social Imaginaries

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Laura Murray

PhD Candidate, New York University


Research Interests: Agriculture, Biotech, Ethnography of science and technology, Gender, India, Multispecies Ethnography, Political Anthropology, [...]

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Regev Nathansohn

Lecturer, Sapir College


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David Nemer

Associate Professor, University of Virginia

Email Website

Research Interests: Computers, Ethnographic Theory, Ethnography of science and technology, Human-machine interaction, Media Anthropology, Science & Technology Studies

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CASTAC-Net Member

Lucas Nishida

PhD student, University of Campinas, Brazil


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Diana Ojeda

Associate Professor, Cider, Universidad de los Andes,


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Jessica Olivares

Postdoctoral Fellow, UTMB


Research Interests: Applied Anthropology, carcerality, Critical race theory, Ethnographic Theory, Feminist STS, Medical anthropology, Urban ethnography, [...]

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CASTAC-Net Member

Natalia Orrego

PhD Candidate, Pontifical Catholic University of Chile


Research Interests: Anthropology of Infrastructure, Digital Anthropology, Telecommunication Governance

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CASTAC-Net Member

Stephen Paff

Quantitative UX Researcher, Google


Research Interests: AI, Algorithms, Applied Anthropology, Artificial intelligence, Blogging, Business Anthropology, Computational culture, [...]

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CASTAC-Net Member

Richard Page

Email Website

Research Interests: China, Ethics, Video games, Virtual worlds

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Bryce Peake

Assistant Professor of Media & Communication Studies, University of Maryland, Baltimore County

Email Website

Research Interests: Decolonization, Design Anthropology, Gender, Intersectionality, Listening, Media Anthropology

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Robert Penner


Research Interests: Alternate Realities, Cultural Hegemony, Digital Anthropology, Digital Art, Digital Ethnography, Futures, Liminality, [...]

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CASTAC-Net Member

Tim Quinn

PhD Candidate, Rice University

Email Website

Research Interests: Drugs, HIV/AIDS, Queer Studies, Southeast Asia

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Elizabeth Reddy

Assistant Professor of Engineering, Design, & Society, Colorado School of Mines

Email Website

Research Interests: Digital Anthropology, Earthquakes, Environments, Expertise, Materials and Materiality, Mexico, Risk and Hazard, [...]

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CASTAC-Net Member

Luísa Reis-Castro

Phd Candidate, Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT)


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Alice Riddell

PhD candidate, University College London


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Elizabeth Rodwell

Assistant Professor, University of Houston

Research Interests: Affect Theory, Business Anthropology, civic engagement, Conversation Design, Japan, Robot-ethics and emotional intelligence, Television, [...]

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CASTAC-Net Member

Abi Roper

Speech and Language Therapist | Technologist, Post-doctoral Research Fellow, City, University of London

Email Website

Research Interests: Accessibility, Aphasia, Language, Web Technologies

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Dr. Cesar Rommel Salas

Doctor in Business Administration / Management Information System, UAGM Business School (AACSB Accredited)

Email Website

Research Interests: Computers, Data, Digital Anthropology, Ethnographic Theory, Information/Data Governance, Infrastructure, Open Science, [...]

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Todd Sanders

Associate Professor, Department of Anthropology, University of Toronto

Email Website

Research Interests: Anthropology of Ignorance, Anthropology of Knowledges, Audit, Disciplinarity, Evidentiary regimes, Expertise, Regulatory bureaucracies

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Naomi Schoenfeld

Email Website

Research Interests: Biotech, cancer, critical public health, Cuba, Medical anthropology, pharmaceuticals, Postsocialism, [...]

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Tim Schütz

PhD Researcher, University of California, Irvine

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Scott W Schwartz

Email Website

Research Interests: Material Culture, Measurement, Quantification, Vulnerability

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Nick Seaver

Assistant Professor, Tufts University

Email Website

Research Interests: Attention, Classification, Computers, Listening, Science & Technology Studies, Taste

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Cydney Seigerman

PhD Candidate, University of Georgia


Research Interests: Environmental anthropology, Infrastructure, Philosophy of Technology, Theatre, Water

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Carolina Severiche Mena

Email Website

Research Interests: Genetics, global health, Medical anthropology, Medicalization, Public health, Social Determinants of Health

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Elana Shever

Associate Professor of Anthropology, Colgate University

Email Website

Research Interests: Energy, Ethnography of science and technology, Gender, geology, Materials and Materiality, Neoliberalism, paleontology, [...]

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Doyeon Shin

PhD student, University of Illinois, Chicago

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Néstor L. Silva

PhD Candidate, Stanford University


Research Interests: Energy, Environments, Government, Hydrocarbons, Political Theory, The Americas

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Jessica Smith

Associate Professor, Colorado School of Mines

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Gustavo Henrique Soares Denani

PHd Student, University of Ottawa


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Aakash Solanki

Doctoral scholar, Department of Anthropology, University of Toronto


Research Interests: Algorithms, Anthropology of Knowledges, Audit, Classification, Computational culture, Data, Ethnography of science and technology, [...]

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Srishti Sood

PhD Student , George Washington University

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Jessica Sorenson

PhD Research Fellow, University of Southern Denmark

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William F Stafford Jr

PhD Candidate, Dept. of Anthropology, UC Berkeley


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Serena Stein

Researcher, Wageningen University & Research


Research Interests: Africa, Agriculture, Anthropology of Knowledges, Climate Change, Decolonization, Digital Anthropology, Ethnographic Theory, [...]

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Aaron Su

PhD Candidate, Princeton University


Research Interests: AI, China, Design Anthropology, Environments, Feminist STS, Medical anthropology, Science & Technology Studies, [...]

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Peter Taber

Postdoctoral Fellow in Informatics, Department of Veterans Affairs

Email Website

Research Interests: Economization, Expertise, governmentality, Infrastructure

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Renzo Taddei

Assistant Professor, Federal University of Sao Paulo

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Madiha Tahir

Postdoctoral Associate, Yale University


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Nicole Taylor

Associate Professor of Anthropology, Texas State University

Email Website

Research Interests: Digital Ethnography, Ethics, Ethnography and qualitative research methods, Gender, Performance, Science and technology, Virtual worlds

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Alex Taylor

Researcher, Microsoft


Research Interests: Data, Disability, Human-machine interaction, Infrastructure, Science & Technology Studies

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Yunus Doğan Telliel

Assistant Professor of Anthropology and Rhetoric, Worcester Polytechnic Institute

Email Website

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CASTAC-Net Member

Eli Thorkelson

Email Website

Research Interests: Anthropology of Knowledges, Digital Anthropology, Disciplinarity, France, Futures, Neoliberalism, Nostalgia, [...]

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Katie Ulrich

PhD candidate, Rice University

Email Website

Research Interests: Agriculture, Biotech, Energy, Extraction, Feminism, Food, Futures, [...]

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Ramsha Usman

PhD Student, University of California, Santa Barbara


Research Interests: Accessibility, Care, Disability, Labor, South Asia, Web Design

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Angela VandenBroek

Assistant Professor of Anthropology, Texas State University

Email Website

Research Interests: Business Anthropology, Design Anthropology, Digital Anthropology, Entrepreneurship, Expertise, Feminist STS, Foresight, [...]

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CASTAC-Net Member

Michelle Venetucci

PhD Candidate, Yale University


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Bianca Vienni Baptista

Senior Researcher and Lecturer, Transdisciplinarity Lab, ETH Zurich


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Rine Vieth


Research Interests: Gender, Government, Law, Migration

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Emily Wanderer

Assistant Professor, University of Pittsburgh

Email Website

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Chun-Yu (Jo Ann) Wang

Ph.D. Candidate, Stanford University


Research Interests: Energy, Ethnic Politics, Infrastructure, Oil Politics, Petrochemical Industry, Petroleum Industry, Political Anthropology, [...]

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Deana Weibel

Professor, Grand Valley State University


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Joseph Wilson

PhD Candidate, University of Toronto

Email Website

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Caitlin Wylie

Assistant Professor of Science, Technology, and Society , University of Virginia

Email Website

Research Interests: Anthropology of Knowledges, Data science, Engineering, Ethics, Ethnography of science and technology, Material Culture, Science & Technology Studies, [...]

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Elise Li Zheng

Ph. D. (Candidate) , Georgia Institute of Technology


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Zhou Zhou

Graduate Student, Rice University


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Naomi Zucker

PhD candidate, University of Pennsylvania


Research Interests: Digital Anthropology, Expertise, Medical anthropology, pharmaceuticals, Psychiatry, Science & Technology Studies, United States

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