23 Profiles Found. | View: Cards Table
Baird Campbell
Postdoctoral Teaching Fellow, Rice University
Research Interests: Digital Anthropology, Gender, Gender and sexuality, Intersectionality, Latin America, Media Anthropology, Queer Studies, [...]
Rebecca Carlson
Research Interests: Algorithms, Bioinformatics, Biology, Ethnography of science and technology, Genetics, global health, Lab Ethnography, [...]
Nick Caverly
Assistant Professor, University of Massachusetts (Amherst, MA)
Research Interests: carcerality, Critical race theory, Feminist STS, Infrastructure, racial capitalism, United States, Urban ethnography
Samuel DiBella
PhD candidate, University of Maryland
Research Interests: Algorithms, Computational culture, Digital Ethnography, Software, surveillance studies
Iván Flores
Lecturer, Universidad Iberoamericana Puebla
Research Interests: Digital Anthropology, Digital Art, ethnography, Labor, Latin America, Leisure, Mexico, [...]
Andrea Ford
Senior Research Fellow, University of Edinburgh
Research Interests: Digital Health, Environments, Gender, hormones, Medical anthropology, Reproduction, toxicity
Liliana Gil
Research Interests: Feminist STS, Improvisation, Inequality, Innovation, Labor, Latin America, Postcolonial technoscience, [...]
Audrey Joachim
Research Interests: AI, Applied Anthropology, Communications, cultural anthropology, Language
Yakup Deniz Kahraman
Research Interests: Applied Anthropology, cultural anthropology, culture, education, Ethnographic Theory, Ethnography of science and technology, experiential learning, [...]
Spencer Kaplan
PhD Student, Yale University
Research Interests: AI, Algorithms, Ethics, Finance, Media Anthropology, Robotics, Science & Technology Studies
Patricia G. Lange
Associate Professor, California College of the Arts
Research Interests: civic engagement, Digital Anthropology, Media Anthropology, posthumanism, Science & Technology Studies, YouTube
Laura Meek
Assistant Professor, Department of Community, Culture, and Global Studies | University of British Columbia, Okanagan | Syilx Okanagan Nation Territory
Research Interests: Africa, Black studies, bodily epistemologies, counterfeits, critical public health, cultural anthropology, Decolonization, [...]
David Nemer
Associate Professor, University of Virginia
Research Interests: Computers, Ethnographic Theory, Ethnography of science and technology, Human-machine interaction, Media Anthropology, Science & Technology Studies
Jessica Olivares
Postdoctoral Fellow, UTMB
Research Interests: Applied Anthropology, carcerality, Critical race theory, Ethnographic Theory, Feminist STS, Medical anthropology, Urban ethnography, [...]
Natalia Orrego
PhD Candidate, Pontifical Catholic University of Chile
Research Interests: Anthropology of Infrastructure, Digital Anthropology, Telecommunication Governance
Stephen Paff
Quantitative UX Researcher, Google
Research Interests: AI, Algorithms, Applied Anthropology, Artificial intelligence, Blogging, Business Anthropology, Computational culture, [...]
Robert Penner
Research Interests: Alternate Realities, Cultural Hegemony, Digital Anthropology, Digital Art, Digital Ethnography, Futures, Liminality, [...]
Elizabeth Reddy
Assistant Professor of Engineering, Design, & Society, Colorado School of Mines
Research Interests: Digital Anthropology, Earthquakes, Environments, Expertise, Materials and Materiality, Mexico, Risk and Hazard, [...]
Elizabeth Rodwell
Assistant Professor, University of Houston
Research Interests: Affect Theory, Business Anthropology, civic engagement, Conversation Design, Japan, Robot-ethics and emotional intelligence, Television, [...]
Yunus Doğan Telliel
Assistant Professor of Anthropology and Rhetoric, Worcester Polytechnic Institute
Katie Ulrich
Postdoctoral Fellow, Harvard University
Research Interests: Agriculture, Biotech, Energy, Extraction, Feminism, Food, Futures, [...]
Angela VandenBroek
Assistant Professor of Anthropology, Texas State University
Research Interests: Business Anthropology, Design Anthropology, Digital Anthropology, Entrepreneurship, Expertise, Feminist STS, Foresight, [...]