

15 Profiles Found. | View: Cards Table

Samantha Breslin

Associate Professor, University of Copenhagen

Email Website

Research Interests: Computers, Digital Anthropology, Expertise, Feminist STS, Gender, Labor, Subjectivity

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Baird Campbell

Postdoctoral Teaching Fellow, Rice University

Email Website

Research Interests: Digital Anthropology, Gender, Gender and sexuality, Intersectionality, Latin America, Media Anthropology, Queer Studies, [...]

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Xan Chacko

Postdoctoral Research Fellow, University of Queensland


Research Interests: Biodiversity, Data, Economization, Gender, Intellectual Property, Postcolonial technoscience

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Andrea Ford

Senior Research Fellow, University of Edinburgh

Email Website

Research Interests: Digital Health, Environments, Gender, hormones, Medical anthropology, Reproduction, toxicity

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Soojin Kim

Ph.D. Candidate, Harvard University


Research Interests: Algorithms, Attention, data harm, Digital Ethnography, Gender, Personhood, Remembering and Forgetting, [...]

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María Fernanda Lartigue Marín

Email Website

Research Interests: Ethnography of science and technology, Extraction, Feminist STS, Gender, Labor, Latin America, Media Anthropology, [...]

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Rena Lederman

Professor of Anthropology, Princeton University

Email Website

Research Interests: Anthropology of Knowledges, Audit, Disciplinarity, Ethics, Exchange, Expertise, Gender, [...]

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Samuel Lengen

Research Associate, University of Virginia


Research Interests: Algorithms, China, Data, Data science, Digital Anthropology, Entrepreneurship, Gender, [...]

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Meg Martin

PhD Candidate, University of California, San Francisco


Research Interests: Affect Theory, Algorithms, Classification, Collective Agency, culture, Data, Ethics, [...]

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Laura Murray

PhD Candidate, New York University


Research Interests: Agriculture, Biotech, Ethnography of science and technology, Gender, India, Multispecies Ethnography, Political Anthropology, [...]

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Bryce Peake

Assistant Professor of Media & Communication Studies, University of Maryland, Baltimore County

Email Website

Research Interests: Decolonization, Design Anthropology, Gender, Intersectionality, Listening, Media Anthropology

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Elana Shever

Associate Professor of Anthropology, Colgate University

Email Website

Research Interests: Energy, Ethnography of science and technology, Gender, geology, Materials and Materiality, Neoliberalism, paleontology, [...]

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Serena Stein

Researcher, Wageningen University & Research


Research Interests: Africa, Agriculture, Anthropology of Knowledges, Climate Change, Decolonization, Digital Anthropology, Ethnographic Theory, [...]

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Nicole Taylor

Associate Professor of Anthropology, Texas State University

Email Website

Research Interests: Digital Ethnography, Ethics, Ethnography and qualitative research methods, Gender, Performance, Science and technology, Virtual worlds

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Rine Vieth


Research Interests: Gender, Government, Law, Migration

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