

7 Profiles Found. | View: Cards Table

Taylor Genovese

Assistant Professor of Philosophy, Dutchess Community College

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Research Interests: Anthropology of Outer Space, Critical Secular Studies, Decolonization, Ethnographic Theory, Experimental Ethnography, Futures, Memory, [...]

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Rebecca Jablonsky

PhD Candidate, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute


Research Interests: Algorithms, Anthropology of Knowledges, Attention, Computational culture, Computers, Design Anthropology, Digital Anthropology, [...]

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Yakup Deniz Kahraman

Email Website

Research Interests: Applied Anthropology, cultural anthropology, culture, education, Ethnographic Theory, Ethnography of science and technology, experiential learning, [...]

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CASTAC-Net Member

Milena Kremakova

Researcher, Martin Luther University of Halle-Wittenberg, Germany

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Research Interests: Computers, Digital Anthropology, Ethnographic Theory, Materials and Materiality, Mathematics, Neoliberalism, Open Science, [...]

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María Fernanda Lartigue Marín

Email Website

Research Interests: Ethnography of science and technology, Extraction, Feminist STS, Gender, Labor, Latin America, Media Anthropology, [...]

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Elana Shever

Associate Professor of Anthropology, Colgate University

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Research Interests: Energy, Ethnography of science and technology, Gender, geology, Materials and Materiality, Neoliberalism, paleontology, [...]

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Eli Thorkelson

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Research Interests: Anthropology of Knowledges, Digital Anthropology, Disciplinarity, France, Futures, Neoliberalism, Nostalgia, [...]

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