

9 Profiles Found. | View: Cards Table

Samantha Breslin

Associate Professor, University of Copenhagen

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Research Interests: Computers, Digital Anthropology, Expertise, Feminist STS, Gender, Labor, Subjectivity

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Yakup Deniz Kahraman

Email Website

Research Interests: Applied Anthropology, cultural anthropology, culture, education, Ethnographic Theory, Ethnography of science and technology, experiential learning, [...]

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Shreeharsh Kelkar

Lecturer, University of California, Berkeley

Email Website

Research Interests: Expertise, Software

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Rena Lederman

Professor of Anthropology, Princeton University

Email Website

Research Interests: Anthropology of Knowledges, Audit, Disciplinarity, Ethics, Exchange, Expertise, Gender, [...]

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Elizabeth Reddy

Assistant Professor of Engineering, Design, & Society, Colorado School of Mines

Email Website

Research Interests: Digital Anthropology, Earthquakes, Environments, Expertise, Materials and Materiality, Mexico, Risk and Hazard, [...]

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Todd Sanders

Associate Professor, Department of Anthropology, University of Toronto

Email Website

Research Interests: Anthropology of Ignorance, Anthropology of Knowledges, Audit, Disciplinarity, Evidentiary regimes, Expertise, Regulatory bureaucracies

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Peter Taber

Postdoctoral Fellow in Informatics, Department of Veterans Affairs

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Research Interests: Economization, Expertise, governmentality, Infrastructure

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Angela VandenBroek

Assistant Professor of Anthropology, Texas State University

Email Website

Research Interests: Business Anthropology, Design Anthropology, Digital Anthropology, Entrepreneurship, Expertise, Feminist STS, Foresight, [...]

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CASTAC-Net Member

Naomi Zucker

PhD candidate, University of Pennsylvania


Research Interests: Digital Anthropology, Expertise, Medical anthropology, pharmaceuticals, Psychiatry, Science & Technology Studies, United States

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