

7 Profiles Found. | View: Cards Table

MemberAffiliationEmailWebsiteCASTAC-NetResearch Interests
Taylor GenoveseAssistant Professor of Philosophy
Dutchess Community College
Email WebsiteAnthropology of Outer Space, Critical Secular Studies, Decolonization, Ethnographic Theory, Experimental Ethnography, Futures, Memory, Multimodality, Neoliberalism, Performance, Political Theory, Proletkult, Russian Cosmism, Science & Technology Studies, Social Imaginaries, Social Movements, Utopia(s), Visual anthropology
Rebecca JablonskyPhD Candidate
Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute
WebsiteAlgorithms, Anthropology of Knowledges, Attention, Computational culture, Computers, Design Anthropology, Digital Anthropology, Ethnography of science and technology, Human-machine interaction, Machine intelligence, Medical anthropology, Neoliberalism, Neuroscience, Robotics, Science & Technology Studies, Social Movements, Software, Subjectivity, Temporality, Work
Yakup Deniz Kahraman
Binghamton University
Email Website
CASTAC-Net Member
Applied Anthropology, cultural anthropology, culture, education, Ethnographic Theory, Ethnography of science and technology, experiential learning, Expertise, higher education, Lab Ethnography, Language, learning and teaching, Neoliberalism, Neuroscience, Skill, undergraduate education
Milena KremakovaResearcher
Martin Luther University of Halle-Wittenberg, Germany
Email WebsiteComputers, Digital Anthropology, Ethnographic Theory, Materials and Materiality, Mathematics, Neoliberalism, Open Science, Science & Technology Studies, Science as play, Science as work, Transnationalism
María Fernanda Lartigue Marín
University of Cambridge
Email WebsiteEthnography of science and technology, Extraction, Feminist STS, Gender, Labor, Latin America, Media Anthropology, Migration, Neoliberalism, Political Anthropology, Political ecology, political economy
Elana SheverAssociate Professor of Anthropology
Colgate University
Email WebsiteEnergy, Ethnography of science and technology, Gender, geology, Materials and Materiality, Neoliberalism, paleontology, political economy, posthumanism, Science as play, The Americas
Eli Thorkelson Email WebsiteAnthropology of Knowledges, Digital Anthropology, Disciplinarity, France, Futures, Neoliberalism, Nostalgia, Social Movements, Subjectivity