

9 Profiles Found. | View: Cards Table

Taylor Genovese

Assistant Professor of Philosophy, Dutchess Community College

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Research Interests: Anthropology of Outer Space, Critical Secular Studies, Decolonization, Ethnographic Theory, Experimental Ethnography, Futures, Memory, [...]

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Yakup Deniz Kahraman

Email Website

Research Interests: Applied Anthropology, cultural anthropology, culture, education, Ethnographic Theory, Ethnography of science and technology, experiential learning, [...]

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Ali Kenner

Assistant Professor, Department of Politics and Center for Science, Technology, and Society, Drexel University

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Research Interests: Design Anthropology, Environments, Ethnographic Theory, Information/Data Governance, Materials and Materiality, Science & Technology Studies, Sense

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Milena Kremakova

Researcher, Martin Luther University of Halle-Wittenberg, Germany

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Research Interests: Computers, Digital Anthropology, Ethnographic Theory, Materials and Materiality, Mathematics, Neoliberalism, Open Science, [...]

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Christoph Lange

Postdoctoral Research assistant, Department of Social and Cultural Anthropology, University of Cologne

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Research Interests: Ethnographic Theory, Media Anthropology, Multispecies Ethnography, Postcolonial technoscience, Science & Technology Studies

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David Nemer

Associate Professor, University of Virginia

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Research Interests: Computers, Ethnographic Theory, Ethnography of science and technology, Human-machine interaction, Media Anthropology, Science & Technology Studies

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Jessica Olivares

Postdoctoral Fellow, UTMB


Research Interests: Applied Anthropology, carcerality, Critical race theory, Ethnographic Theory, Feminist STS, Medical anthropology, Urban ethnography, [...]

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Dr. Cesar Rommel Salas

Doctor in Business Administration / Management Information System, UAGM Business School (AACSB Accredited)

Email Website

Research Interests: Computers, Data, Digital Anthropology, Ethnographic Theory, Information/Data Governance, Infrastructure, Open Science, [...]

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Serena Stein

Researcher, Wageningen University & Research


Research Interests: Africa, Agriculture, Anthropology of Knowledges, Climate Change, Decolonization, Digital Anthropology, Ethnographic Theory, [...]

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