

6 Profiles Found. | View: Cards Table

MemberAffiliationEmailWebsiteCASTAC-NetResearch Interests
Matt BarlowPhD candidate
University of Adelaide
Email WebsiteAnthropology of water, Decolonization, Discard Studies, Energy, Environments, Ethnography of science and technology, Feminism, Infrastructure, Multimodality, Multispecies Ethnography, South Asia
Quinn GeorgicGraduate Student
Rice University
Biodiversity, Conservation, Feminist STS, Multispecies Ethnography, Postcolonial technoscience
Ziya KayaPhD candidate
School of Anthropology, University of Arizona
Email Agriculture, Biotech, Critical Algorithms Studies, Critical Data Studies, Digital Anthropology, Economization, Environmental anthropology, Finance, Infrastructure, Middle East, Multispecies Ethnography, Political ecology, Science & Technology Studies
Christoph LangePostdoctoral Research assistant
Department of Social and Cultural Anthropology, University of Cologne
Email WebsiteEthnographic Theory, Media Anthropology, Multispecies Ethnography, Postcolonial technoscience, Science & Technology Studies
Laura MurrayPhD Candidate
New York University
WebsiteAgriculture, Biotech, Ethnography of science and technology, Gender, India, Multispecies Ethnography, Political Anthropology, Sense, Visual anthropology
Serena SteinResearcher
Wageningen University & Research
Email Africa, Agriculture, Anthropology of Knowledges, Climate Change, Decolonization, Digital Anthropology, Ethnographic Theory, Extraction, Gender, Latin America, Multispecies Ethnography, Science & Technology Studies, Transnationalism