Member Profile

Rine Vieth

Contributor, Platypus, The CASTAC Blog

Research Interests

Gender | Government | Law | Migration |

About Rine

Rine (they/them) is a researcher, educator, analyst, artist, and all-around curious person interested in law, governance, gender and religion. They are also beginning new research projects on 1) anti-gender mobilization and 2) knowledge infrastructures in asylum systems. Rine (iel + accords masculins) est chercheur, éducateur, artiste, analyste et curieux qui s'intéresse au droit, à la gouvernance, à la genre et à la religion. Iel commence également de nouveaux projets sur 1) la mobilisation anti-genre, et 2) les infrastructures de connaissance dans les systèmes d'asile.


Contributions to Platypus, The CASTAC Blog

View all of Rine's posts on Platypus, The CASTAC Blog.

Is it Going to Be Okay? / Est-ce que ça va aller?

This is is a multilingual comic that serves as a meditation on the infrastructures of COVID-19, care, and time. In the spirit of the multilingual spaces I inhabit in Tio’tia:ke/Mooninyaang/Montréal, I have chosen to write bilingually—a process that can be messy, but that speaks to my experiences of COVID-19 locally as I am thinking of COVID-19 globally. (more…) (read more...)

Monstrous Matter, Out of Place

The following is an autoethnographic comic about my experiences re-understanding a new diagnosis through revisiting Mary Douglas’s Purity and Danger. (And yes, the final panel is from a conversation I did have with a grad student colleague and dear friend.) (more…) (read more...)