6 Profiles Found. | View: Cards Table
Matt Barlow
PhD candidate, University of Adelaide
Research Interests: Anthropology of water, Decolonization, Discard Studies, Energy, Environments, Ethnography of science and technology, Feminism, [...]
Kim Fernandes
Postdoctoral Fellow, University of Toronto
Research Interests: Accessibility, Anthropology of Infrastructure, Anthropology of Knowledges, Applied Anthropology, Artificial intelligence, Biotech, bodily epistemologies, [...]
Nirupama Jayaraman
Graduate Student/Teaching Assistant, University of Illinois at Chicago
Research Interests: culture, Digital Anthropology, Gender and sexuality, Infrastructure, Place-making, Political Anthropology, Science & Technology Studies, [...]
Sushant Kishore
Assistant Professor, Vellore Institute of Technology
Research Interests: AI and robotic technologies in health and social care, Digital Anthropology, Digital Ethnography, Digital Fieldwork, Social Media and Elections, South Asia
Aakash Solanki
Doctoral scholar, Department of Anthropology, University of Toronto
Research Interests: Algorithms, Anthropology of Knowledges, Audit, Classification, Computational culture, Data, Ethnography of science and technology, [...]
Ramsha Usman
PhD Student, University of California, Santa Barbara
Research Interests: Accessibility, Care, Disability, Labor, South Asia, Web Design